CS Hon. Peninah Malonza today commissioned the Community Water Projects in Oriwo Primary School and St Peters Kogola in HomaBay County  Karachuonyo constituency and Kisumu County ,Nyakach Constituency respectively .

The projects implemented by LBDA will benefit 5,000 household and school going population.It discharges 5,200 per litres per hour and 6,000 household discharging 3,400 litres per hour.
The projects implemented by LBDA will benefit 5,000 household and school going population.It discharges 5,200 per litres per hour.
  The commissioning ceremony was attended by PS Hon. Harsama Kello, Hon. Peter Lochakapong ,Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr.James Waore, ngaos ,community leaders, and stakeholders, symbolizing a collective commitment to ensuring equitable access to water resources.