The Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA) is a national government development agency that was established by an Act of Parliament (Cap 442) on the 31st of August 1979 to provide an avenue for a quicker, more meaningful and co-coordinated development in the Kenyan portion of the Lake Victoria basin. Primarily, LBDA was established to act as a strategic driver of socio-economic development and spur regional development through sustainable utilization and conservation of natural resources through overall planning, co-ordination, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development projects and programmes within the Lake Victoria basin. Its creation was as a result of the need to leverage on the regional development concept to effectively exploiting and manage of natural resources within the basins for enhanced socio-economic development and transformation.

To be a leader in sustainable integrated socio-economic Development in Kenya

“To catalyze, promote and implement resource-based projects and programmes for sustainable basin-based integrated socio-economic development for improved livelihoods of the communities in the Lake Victoria Basin”

The mandate of the Authority in the region includes:

Carry out integrated sustainable development planning,
Implement development programmes and projects,
Coordinate development programmes and activities,
Promote management and conservation of natural resources,
Monitor and evaluate development programmes and projects,

Executing this strategy and achieving the desired strategic results, will depend on commitment by leadership at all levels and strong adherence to LBDA’s core values.

Customers focus
Team work

LBDA has developed the following strategic objectives to catalyse the improvement of the living standards of the people within the Region.
The objectives are:

Formulate and implement sustainable integrated basin-based multi-Sectorial development projects and programmes towards delivery of the big four agenda
Enhance LBDA’s Financial Sustainability
Enhance Market Share of LBDA products and services
Strengthen Institutional and Human Capacity for Improved Performance