LBDA deals with Integrated multi-sectoral basin based development projects

Locate at Kanyakwar off Kisumu-Kakamega road. Click here for map

LBDA supports farmers in improving their produce and also engage in production of Dairy breeds, poultry, Fish etc

LBDA Operates under the Ministry of Devolution and Planning, State Department of Planning & Statistics.

The Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA) is an Agency, under the Ministry of East African Community and Regional Development. It was established by an act of parliament (Cap 442) on the 31st of August 1979 to provide an avenue for a quicker, more meaningful and co-coordinated development in the Kenyan portion of the Lake Victoria Basin. The Act empowers the Authority to undertake overall integrated planning, co-ordination and implementation of programs in the basin through mobilization of resources and assets in pursuit of improving livelihoods and development in the region.

Our vision
To be an authority in integrated socio-economic development in the Region.

Mission Statement
‘To foster integrated socio-economic programs through optimum utilization of resources using appropriate technology and innovations for improved livelihoods of the communities within the Lake Basin Region’

The mandate of the Authority in the region includes:
i. Integrated sustainable development planning
ii. Implementation of Integrated sustainable development programs and projects
iii. Co-ordination of Integrated sustainable development programs and activities
iv. Promotion of Integrated sustainable management and conservation of natural resources
v. Monitoring & evaluation of integrated sustainable development projects and programs

Our business activities are targeted at safeguarding quality of life for present and future generations within the regions where we operate.
LBDA is to among others:

Undertake integrated planning services through continuous resource mapping for development of the Region
Improve the region’s land, water and environment for economic development infrastructure by promoting value addition on the natural resources
Create and provide market of the products and services within and beyond the region
Undertake initiatives for technology transfer within the Region for development.

a) Promotion of Investment opportunities
Hydro-Electric Power Generation (Magwagwa Multipurpose Project; Nandi Forest dam Multipurpose Project; Kuja river multipurpose project; Teremi, Webuye Hydropower and Other Mini HEP Projects)
b) Promotion of Commercial Agricultural and Livestock production
– integrated rice production & milling services
– Fisheries Products and outreach services
– Fruit tree seedling and Agro-forestry outreach services
c) Water Resources Development and Consultancy Services
– Integrated Planning Services
– Integrated Water resources development projects and programmes
– Technology transfer Services
d) Technical Advisory Consultancy Services
– Promotion of Integrated production of improved building materials
– Machinery Hire services
– Technology Transfer Services
e) Documentation and Informatics Services

The Authority’s area of jurisdiction covers a land area of approximately 39,000-km2 exclusive of a Lake area of about 4,000-km2. The region covers 18 counties (former Nyanza and Western Provinces as well as parts of the Rift Valley Province) with an estimated population of over 14 million people. Click here LBDA jurisdiction.

While the Headquarters is based in Kisumu, LBDA has Seven (7) Regional Offices strategically located to offer Public Services closer to the communities that we serve. The contacts and location of the offices are;

Our Contacts

P.O BOX 1516-40100
TEL: 020-2023414
FAX: 020-2023422
Complaints Lines: 0731482388

Lower Nzoia-: : 020-2611261; 020-2611262-Bungoma
Kuja Migori- : 0701791670-Kerina
Upper Nzoia- : 054-30387- Kitale
Kibuon Tende- :0708244823; 0731725843-Homabay
Lakeshore- : -Kisumu
Sondu Miriu- : 0702931736-Litein
Yala Nyando- 0710230742-Nandi Hills