This pillar of the Big Four Agenda is focused on the acceleration of economic growth, the creation of jobs and the alleviation of poverty. The Authority has formulated the following projects to address these needs effectively in the medium term.

a) The Upscaling of the Kibos Rice Mill

This project involves the revamping and upscaling of milling operations at Kibos Rice Mill in Kisumu through the acquisition and installation of a new mill to enhance efficiency and spur productivity. The machinery that is scheduled for upgrading includes the destoner, the plan shifter, the water polisher, the elevator, the rubber rollers and the screens. The Authority also plans to procure 2,500 tonnes of paddy rice from rice farmers annually. The upgraded mill will operate at 3.5 tonnes per hour processing speed with a minimum of 75% rate of recovery.

The project was initiated on 1st of July, 2017 and is expected to be completed in the FY 2021/22. The new milling machine has been acquired and is currently being installed. The cost of the project is Ksh. 250 million.

b)The Construction of Nyakoe Market

This project was initiated by a presidential directive to enhance trading at the Nyakoe Market in Kisii County and therefore contribute to the socio-economic development of the county. The project involves the construction of an ultra-modern market, drilling and equipping of one (1) borehole, the construction of an elevated water tank for water supply to the market, the tarmacking of the access road to the market and cabro-paving of the market area.

The project was initiated on 7th of July, 2018 and is expected to be completed by 17th of July, 2024. The cost of the project is Ksh. 350 million.

c) Integrated Fruits and Vegetables Processing Plant Project

The multi component integrated project involves the construction of an integrated fruits and vegetables processing plant with the capacity to process 10 tons of raw materials per hour and produce 35,200 tonnes of fruit juice and 2,000 tonnes of dried vegetables annually. This will enhance the contribution of Manufacturing, Industrialization and Value Addition pillar of the Big Four Agenda to the National GDP as well as increase household income and create up to 339 jobs.

The feasibility study of the project was conducted in the FY 2014/15. The cost of the project is Ksh. 951 Million.

d) Ndhiwa Modern Honey Refinery Project

This project involves the construction of a modern honey refinery plant at Ndhiwa in Homa Bay County. The Authority is currently operating a small-scale honey refinery plant at the project site which has proved inadequate to address the increasing demand for honey in the region. The project will entail the purchase and installation of a honey processing machine at Ndhiwa to process 6 tonnes on honey per year. The project will also include expansion of infrastructure to scale up the honey refinery into a modern honey processing factory.

This project is one of the sustainability projects conceptualized to aid in sustaining the operations of the Authority. The cost of the project is Ksh. 55 million. The Authority is currently mobilizing resources to implement the project effectively.

e) Cotton Ginnery and Oil Press Factory

The project entails the construction of a cotton ginnery and oil press factory in Kisumu as a strategy of reviving the cotton industry in West Kenya and the nation as a whole. The project will promote the production of the new viable variety known as BT-Cotton and provide market for the produce of farmers. The project will involve the acquisition and installation of a cotton ginning machine with a capacity of processing 3,780 tonnes of cotton per year.

This will enhance the contribution of Manufacturing, Industrialization and Value Addition pillar of the Big Four Agenda to the National GDP as well as increase household income and create up to 1,000 jobs. The cost of the project is estimated at Ksh. 700 Million. The Authority is currently mobilizing resources to implement the project effectively.


a) Regional Demonstration and Technology Transfer Centres

The Regional Demonstration Centres have been in existence since 1986 and have been impacting on the community. However, in 2014 LBDA saw it fit to restructure the centres to operate above break-even point and turn them into centres of excellence. Towards this end, the Authority has started with the rehabilitation of fish farms and is planning to establish a Reticulation Aquaculture System (RAS) technology at Kibos Integrated Technology Transfer Centre. The technology will aid in the production of 4,000,000 mono-sexed fingerlings and 600 tonnes of table-size fish annually.

The centres support technology transfer in agriculture and livestock development, promotion of coffee and aquaculture development (Reticulation Aquaculture System (RAS).

The project was initiated in the FY 2014/15 and was completed in the FY 2018/19. The cost of the project is Ksh. 150 Million.

b) Lichota, Muhoroni and Alupe Solar Irrigation Project

This project involves the harnessing of ground water sources using solar technology to facilitate the supply of water for production of high value crops through drip and sprinkler irrigation methods over 200 hectares of land in Lichota, Muhoroni and Alupe  Technology Transfer Centres in Migori, Kisumu and Busia Counties respectively.

The project was initiated on the 17th of July, 2015 and is expected to end in the FY 2023/24. The cost of the project is 1.231 billion.


a) LBDA Housing Development Project

This project involves the construction 584 affordable housing units in Kisumu County targeting the high and middle income economic classes. The project will be implemented in Lower Kanyakwar, Upper Kanyakwar, Migosi and Milimani areas within Kisumu County.

The cost of the project is estimated at Ksh. 6.232 Billion. The Authority is currently mobilizing resources to implement the project effectively.


a) Magwagwa Multipurpose Hydro Power Project

The dam site is on Sondu River near Magwagwa town and the project is estimated to cost Kshs. 86.8 billion. The project covers 5 counties namely: Bomet, Kericho, Nyamira, Homabay and Kisumu.

The Expected Outputs

  • 95m high and 450m long dam with live storage capacity of 445 million m3
  • 120 MW of hydropower giving energy production of 570 GWh/yr.
  • 33km 132KV Transmission Line
  • 13,807 ha irrigated land in Kano/Nyakach plains (Phase 1: 3,063 ha)
  • Water supply infrastructure to people in surrounding towns
  • Buildings, Roads and other infrastructures


b) Nandi Forest Dam Multipurpose Project

The dam site is on Yala River in Nandi Forest and the project will cost Kshs. 47.7 billion. The Project covers four counties namely: Nandi, Kakamega, Vihiga and Kisumu.

The Expected Outputs

  • 67m high and 1558m long dam with live storage capacity of 230 million m3
  • 50 MW of hydropower giving energy production of 150 GWh/yr.
  • 33km 132KV Transmission Line
  • 7,251 ha irrigated land (Phase 1: 3,009 ha)
  • Water supply infrastructure to people in surrounding towns
  • Buildings, Roads and other infrastructures